Chamada de trabalhos 2012
Revista Brasileira de Musicoterapia
Desta forma convida-se pesquisadores, estudantes de iniciação científica e participantes de Programas de Pós-Graduação Latu sensu e Stricto Sensu do Brasil e outros países para enviarem seus trabalhos para o décimo segundo volume da Revista Brasileira de Musicoterapia.
O prazo para o envio de trabalhos: de 27 de fevereiro a 30 de abril de 2012.
A previsão para o lançamento é em outubro de 2012 por ocasião do XIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Musicoterapia e XII Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Musicoterapia.
Noemi N. Ansay
Comissão Editorial da Revista Brasileira de Musicoterapia
União Brasileira das Associações de Musicoterapia
Call for papers:
Brazilian Journal of Music Therapy
The Brazilian Journal of Music Therapy is an annual publication of the Brazilian Union of Music Therapy Associations (UBAM) dedicated to the scientific publication of original papers related to Music Therapy and related fields that fall into the following categories: theoretical studies/essays, articles based on research or reviews. Earlier this year our journal was assessed by the WEBQUALIS system created by CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel) and listed in the area of Arts-Music with classification B4, i.e., we have the first music therapy journal certified by the webqualis-capes system in our country, which means a lot to the quality of our research. Therefore, we encourage all Music Therapists and students to send their papers to the twelfth volume of the Brazilian Journal of Music Therapy.
The paper submission period is from 27 February - 30 April 201.
The journal is scheduled to launch in October 2012 at the Symposium.
Noemi N. Ansay
Editorial Board of the Brazilian Journal of Music Therapy
Brazilian Union of Music Therapy Associations